Every Sunday our children enjoy hearing more about God in Sunday School. However, there aren’t many opportunities for them and the team to share what they’ve been learning. So, we thought we’d give you all an update.
Last term, the kids enjoyed a series on Meals with Jesus. We followed nine lessons in Luke’s Gospel which explored the people who Jesus chose to dine with. There was Lunch with Levi, Dinner at Mary and Martha’s, and of course, The Last Supper. Much fun was had by all as we saw more of Jesus’ character through the way he shows compassion to the marginalised.
This term, with all its summer sunshine, promises to be another flourishing season in Sunday School. Just a few weeks ago, the children participated in a session called…
God, Me and Others
The wonderful James, Debbie and Suze helped the children through three prayer stations.
The ‘God’ station focused on looking up to God. The kids stuck crumpled up tissue paper on cardboard to make a rainbow, to remind us of our God’s promises. They then wrote prayers to thank God for his love for us and that he will be with us no matter what.
There was also a promise jar with verses for inspiration and extra reading!
The ‘Me’ station featured a mirror for some personal reflection, looking at themselves whilst pondering the verse in Ephesians 2 which says “For we are God’s masterpiece..created anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us”. The children thought about what they were good at and reflected on how they could use their talents for good, and to bless others.
Finally, the ‘Others’ station had the kids writing on lollipop sticks and thinking about other people. They wrote down a person’s name who they wanted to pray for before posting it into a bucket as part of their prayer and handing it over to God.

Wow! What amazing things God is doing with our children. A big thank you to the Sunday School team for all they do. Watch this space for some more updates, including something from our Youth team.